I’m Looking For My Peeps! Are You One?

Peeps are silly, colorful, and exude laughter. Peeps are heart-centered individuals who want to fill the world with love to create unity. Peeps wonder about impossible and magical things. Could you be one?

I am looking for like-minded peeps, er people, who would like to join me on special projects.

I’m currently writing two books. The first is about an author writing a book that she is the actual Alice in Wonderland. This book is called Alice Awakens. It is a work of creative nonfiction (with a touch of magical realism) about the beliefs, spiritual awakening, and healing of the inner child.

Within the book is the story that the author is writing for children. This one will be published as a children’s book entitled Alice Returns to Wonderland. In it, the author returns to Wonderland as a character named Author Alice. There are some characters from the original Lewis Carroll book as well as new ones. What sets this book apart from other Alice stories is that there are many Alices in Wonderland, not just one. (So if you sit down to really ponder this, my book incorporates all stories about Alice.) Alice Returns to Wonderland deals with awakening to unity consciousness through the idea that we are all here to help each other and that by uplifting each other, we uplift the world.

This is just the beginning. I am dreaming big. I mean really, really big, bigger than Disney big. I’m dreaming of a more evolved Walt Disney World where you don’t have to be rich or go into debt to enjoy it.

I dream of a collaborative Disney where there is heart-felt enjoyment of the all workers and visitors. A place where people can heal their inner child. A place of healing and transformation where everyone is co-creating an experience that expands joy to all. I dream of a true healing through imagination center, where the energy expands, and becomes a place of positive transformation.

I’ve always been fascinated by Disney movies, and Walt Disney World is my favorite place to vacation, so yeah, even with its drawbacks, I love Disney. I even had a spiritual awakening on the beach at Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort.  You can read about it here.

When I first came up with the idea of these books, I envisioned something larger than just books about imagination and reality. I saw where it could expand, that it could build a community filled with an unlimited imagination. When I saw the movie La La Land, it reminded me how much I always saw my children’s book as a musical.

I envision the Alice children’s books as a series writer by various authors, both known and unknown. New characters are introduced in each Each character has some special trait that makes them unique.

Where I see this taking off is that the books may inspire others to create as well. So that it isn’t one person writing a novel, it is a lot of us collaborating, writing together, creating something the world has never seen.

I can’t do this alone. Since my books are about unity consciousness, I need others. I need dreamers. Dreamers who dream big. Bigger than lowercase big. Uppercase  BIG and you know what that means.

I’d like to create an organization that is like a cooperative. Personally, I prefer the word cooperation because the word states what I am envisioning is all about. Cooperation is reciprocal in nature.

My envisioned cooperation would be an organization where involved everyone benefits. Where the income is split in an equitable manner. Where everyone in the cooperation makes use of their natural talents and skillsets. Where the name of the organization is not the name of the owner, because everyone involved would share in ownership. There would be no egocentric megalomaniac at the top because there would be no top, just a community of individuals working for a common cause and doing work that they truly enjoy.

OK, I don’t have a business degree because, well, you know, I’m an artist and I didn’t take business classes in college. Maybe what I am envisioning is a cooperative. Maybe someone can enlighten me on this matter.

I used the word cooperation because describes what is involved in creating such a community: cooperation. The goal of this cooperation would shift the focus of the business and place people over profit. If it sounds like a non-profit because it is. There would be no stocks, no bonus checks for a few people, no greedy billionaires at the top, nor starving underpaid workers at the bottom.

There would be equality, regardless of one’s position. Perhaps some poli-sci major can figure out a loving model and we can discuss it and form it together, like a true democracy.

Products would be eco-conscious and sustainable. They would uplift and inspire people to create positive changes in their lives.

I need your help.

Here are some of the peeps I’m looking for:

Creative Dreamers

Do you relate to John Lennon’s Imagine song on a deep soul level? Do you believe that we can change the world together? I’d like to find people who will help me to finish these books through additional input. I realize that the issue I have in writing this is because it was never a project that was meant to be done by myself. I would like to build a community of like-minded individuals who will meet online to discuss our ideas.

 Social Media Experts and Influencers,
Marketing and SEO Pros,
Crowdfunders and People Connectors

Being a creative introvert, I like to create all sorts of things, so on a social media score, I’m probably a D-. I mean, just take a look at my Instagram posts. Inconsistent and sparse. Sparsely inconsistent. Not cohesive in any way.

I need people who can help me create a successful crowdfunding campaign to generate money, create a buzz, and connect with others through social media. I’m looking for people to create an Instagram account and Facebook pages for Alice Always, and people maintain them. Also, I would like my blog posts to make it to page one on Google.

Web Designers

As I need to start several websites, I would like them to have a polished look using the colors of this one, so I need the designers to use Avada or a similar responsive theme. I would even like to tweak this one a bit. If you are a student, this might be a project for a class. I’d like to see what you’ve done, so please provide a website or links.

Graphic Designers and Illustrators

I do my own graphics, and they take me a while to create, so I would like to discontinue doing that and focusing on writing. I’m looking for someone to take some of the quotes from this blog and the future books to make graphics for Instagram and social media.

I’d like to work with designers who have AdobeStock (or some other stock art) who can create graphics for Alice Always featured images.

There is a particular style of Adobe Illustrator graphics that I prefer for this blog. If your style matches the image featured in this post here (or this one here), I’d like to hear from you as I will be looking for several book illustrators also.

The most pressing issue is creating two book covers, which I’d like to discuss with published cover artists. After that are illustrations for the children’s book, these will probably be paid by royalties after publication. That is a legal issue that needs to be worked out before work is started.

Please provide a link to your portfolio.

Film Makers

I would like to connect with filmmakers to create short video clips. Please provide links to your work.

Copywriters and Editors

I will need a copywriter and an editor for email campaigns and other projects. Please provide samples.


I need an attorney with knowledge of copyright and licensing laws and someone to advise me on Disney Execs or Peeps Affiliated with Disney.

Yep, I’m throwing it out there! I would like to connect with upper-level management on how my books can be made into Disney movies, musicals, and amusement park attractions. Since that might not happen soon, I’m looking for anyone associated with Disney Corporate who can help me navigate the proper channels and tell me what I need to know legally to publish these books as I would like to include characters from Disney franchises.

Also, I need to know if I can publish the Alice in Wonderland graphic as I did above. If you are in the legal department at Disney, please let me know if I need to remove it. I will gladly follow all legalities. I do not intend to use copyrighted images; for-profit and Disney-owned artwork will not be part of the final books.


The money aspect is important for all of us because our society functions on a monetary system. A resume is required.

Virtual Assistant

As I need to spend time writing, I need at least one virtual assistant to help me with managing everything from projects, blog posts to connecting to people. This person needs to be very organized as I am not yet.

•  •  •

I am hoping to grow a community out of this. I want it to be fun and enjoyable for everyone involved.

If you would like to get involved in this curiouser and curiouser Alice in Wonderland adventure, please send a message here. I look forward to playing in Wonderland with you!

Thank you!

Alice Always

What Will the Year of the Rabbit Bring?

Will we fall down the rabbit hole in 2023? Or rather, how much deeper will we go?

You understand that we are living in a dystopian Wonderlandish world, right? Are we on the same page as that? Isn’t there an absurdity in life that just seems to be getting more ridiculous, especially in the political sphere?

What a curiouser and curiouser world!

Now that we are entering 2023 Chinese Year of the Rabbit, we are going down the rabbit hole into a world that we are, more than ever before, collectively creating together.

It’s a world of weirdness, with flat-Earthers, conspiracy theorists, election deniers and billionaires gone bonkers. Cartoon characters come to life.

You never know what’s going to popup in the news next. If you can believe it or not. At dizzying pace, things happen that shock, stun and  mesmerize the masses.

It’s designed to attract people’s attention. And it’s working. But it’s also causing people to wake up, speak up and take action.

In Chinese culture, the rabbit symbolizes peace, prosperity and longevity. Let’s focus on that and take steps to make those symbols a reality. Once we make changes in our thinking, our actions change and shift our outer reality.

How can we create a world of peace? By being peace ourselves.

How can we prosper? Through seeing our self-worth.

And the longevity part? We have to take care of ourselves. It’s all about the buzz word that’s going to get bigger and bigger as we progress into 2023: self-care.

(I will write about these ideas in other articles and link them here when I’m done, so you don’t get lost in my digital Wonderland.)

We change what is happening on the outside by changing our perceptions and limiting beliefs on the inside, finding the spark of light that is our heart-center. By living from our heart-center, we will ignite the hearts of others as well.

And that rabbit hole we find ourselves in? It’s a land of wonder. Isn’t that wonderful?

Alice Always

Love You Zoomer! One Boomer’s Response to OK Boomer

A while back, I read an article about a student who designed a t-shirt that read, OK Boomer. As a graphic designer, I wanted to create a design that speaks back.

This particular design was reminiscent of the old plastic grocery bags that I still see now from time to time: they had the words Thank You printed in rows of red outlined words with the middle row in solid text. I remember seeing the original ones in the 1980s. Back then, they were created in Cooper Black font. I know this because I worked in art advertising and in the pre-Mac era, we only had a limited number of standard fonts. Cooper Black stood out as one of the thickest typefaces and was unique in its rounded serifs. I remember it fondly as a fun font.

The reason why the OK Boomer design grabbed my attention wasn’t the typography; that was an old idea updated for today’s marketplace. It wasn’t because I was a Baby Boomer; that’s nothing new. I’ve been one my whole life. What got me was the last line: Have A Terrible Day. It’s petty and mean, even if it’s supposed to be sarcastic.

I perceive sarcasm as the biting chihuahua of humor. Yeah, those little doggies look funny when they bark and jump in the air, but if one of them takes a nip at your ankle, it’s not so funny anymore.

The words we use matter, even if it is a joke. If it gives off negative energy of any kind, it is projecting more negativity into the world.

Once more…

The words we use matter, even if it is a joke. If it gives off negative energy of any kind, it is projecting more negativity into the world.

The last line of the original Thank you bag design read Have a nice day! Yes, it’s a cliche that is an automatic response in some people. I like it because of its positivity, leaving people on a friendly note.

Recently, I have gotten into the habit of saying, Have a wonderful day! Because when I say that, it makes me think of a day full of wonder. Since everyone has a different idea of a wonderful day, it just creates more positive, wonderful energy.

When I created my Love You Collection, I started with Love You Millennial because I had thought that the OK Boomer design was created by one. When I went back to find the news article, it was someone younger, a Zoomer. A Zoomer speaking to a Boomer. Two rhyming generations with the “oo” sound. Oo! It’s as groovy as it gets.

In the process of creation, I did more research and came up with more designs. I used a sans-serif font because it flowed better with the longer words.

Take a look at my designs for my Love You Collection. More ideas came to me in the process of creation, so I decided to add more images. I’ve always been interested in creating inspirational pieces. If something someone creates uplifts another, we all benefit.

Variety of shirt styles on Amazon.

I made designs for other generations and more. I included Love Yourself for self-love and Love One Another bible verse. Because I’m a native Chicagoan, I created Love Yous Guys. And Love Y’all for my Southern friends.

Here are the approximate dates for the generations:

Greatest Generation 1901-1924
Silent Generation 1925-1945
Baby Boomers 1946-1964
Busters (Gen X) 1965-1979
Millennials (Gen Y) 1980-1994
Zoomers (Gen Z) 1995-2012
Generation Alpha 2013-2025

Buy t-shirts, mugs, and more products on Pixels. Also available on shirts at Amazon. We can all benefit from a more loving world where we all learn from each other, regardless of age. And yeah, this Boomer could sure use some help from the younger generations!

Alice Always

P.S. I’m looking to collaborate on this and other online platforms. I would also like to expand into licensing. Contact me if you are a like-minded art agent, social media expert, established t-shirt seller, marketing wiz, or someone who can help me otherwise grow my Alice Always brand.

P.P.S. Please feel free to share this blog post and spread the love.

A Jedi Awakens – Part 2

 Read A Jedi Awakens – Part 1 here

This is a true telling about multidimensionality. You might perceive it as a fictional story if your perception of reality encompasses only the 3D world. Those who have awoken to inner knowing may perceive something more. Each individual will see through one’s own personal filter of beliefs and level of remembering. What you take away from this depends on where you are at any given moment. Read this today, and you may think one way. Read it a year from now, and your perception may be quite different.

*  *  *  *  *

The Force named itself then remained silent. Essa asked it to speak again but received no reply.  She tried everything that she could think of to coax it, even acting silly and singing, “Yooooooo Hooooooo, Forcey-Force, where are yooooooo?”

No answer came from the Force.

After a while, she fell asleep and into a dream.

The dream contained the same reoccurring theme that she had been having of late. She wasn’t herself as she knew it; she was a woman struggling with her existence in 21st Century suburban America on Earth. The year is 2019. Today, she cried as she cleaned the house.

To be locked within one’s negative thoughts, Essa thought as she awoke. That’s not a life I’d like to have.

It IS your life, Essa. The dream is another reality that is expressing itself. The Force finally spoke as a voice within her mind.

I know, she admitted.

It wasn’t the woman’s life that Essa found so unappealing, it was the fact that the woman kept forgetting who she was.

Taking the guilt of what happened in other lifetimes into this current incarnation had brought her misery. She was poor, depressed, anxious, and in constant pain with an arthritic body that seemed to be deteriorating at an alarming rate. Essa sighed. I went deeper into the Darkness than I thought I would.

Why would I choose this?

You said that as part of your Earth mission, you needed to empathize with others who live in the Darkness. You said that by becoming one of them, you would understand more fully what they go through each day. So you took on the challenge of pain, lack, anxiety, and depression.

But she is so deep in the Darkness dream that her life is a hellish nightmare. Her consciousness has sunken so low, she is in much pain, with a mind filled with worry and scattered thoughts. She is trapped in her own mind. A victim of herself.

Essa tuned into the woman’s energy. A chaotic black storm of negative emotions clouded her aura. She saw how each thought affected corresponding places inside and outside her body. Inside, trapped negative thoughts caused pain and inflammation in her joints. Outside, the cloud energy spread feelings of despair and anxiety. Electrical sparks within her physical body sent flashes of lightning that extended beyond the cloud.

I see why she isolates herself, Essa thought. Her energy is too erratic; she doesn’t want to affect others. Most of it is self-contained, except when she touches awareness. Because she has experienced awareness so many times and is close to Ascension, whatever mood she is in causes deep ripples in the etheric. Does she know this?

The 3rd Dimensional mindset limits her. The Force spoke. Because she incarnated into trauma, she has to clear all of her trauma to ascend fully. To do that, she must help clear the trauma of all that she affected in other timelines and dimensions. That was her decision before incarnating in this lifetime.

She is living in a particularly stressful time on Planet Earth. In America, the nation stands divided between awakened states of consciousness and cognitive biases. Most are living out in distorted perceptions of reality. Few are aware that they are collectively creating this world. Many blame the problems on the wealthy and their greed. The wealthy desire power yet fear the awakening masses. Attacking each other has become the norm because their commander-in-chief does it. There is no compromise, no majority perception of reality as there have been in America’s past. Unending corridors of consciousness exist in a fractured fractal universe. 

But what happened to her? When I was able to reach her through poetry years ago, she was quite receptive. She seemed to be on the right track. She had reached an aspect of Christ Consciousness.

An aspect is not total, Essa. She understands the meaning of Christ Consciousness with her analytical mind, but her heart remains closed to herself. That is her Darkness: lack of self-worth. She keeps falling asleep and goes deeper into the nightmare that she created in her head and her life. She needs help. She needs to believe in herself. 

How can I help?

Teach her what you know, help her to understand herself more and the world that humanity on Earth is collectively creating. Write what you know.

“I will write.” A voice announced out loud.

It’s about time. The Force responded.

*  *  *  *  *

Are you a Jedi or know someone who is? Some of us are still asleep and haven’t realized the fact that Jedi are real and many have missions here on Earth in this lifetime. To follow Essa’s remembering and to learn more about Awakening, subscribe to this blog. Feel free to share it with others.

May the Force Be with You Always!

A Tribute to My Soul Sister Darlene

“Hugs! Both sides!”
–Rocio Darlene Arriaga

Once in a great while, a person comes into your life with whom you have an instant rapport, someone who “gets” you in a way that no one else does, who adds to your joy and brings out the absolute best in you. For me, one such person was Rocio Darlene Arriaga. I met her 25 years ago, in late summer 1993. We were both graphic designers at the Chicago Tribune when she was transferred from Chicago to the suburban office where I was working.

I was reeling from a summer of new adventures. I drove by myself to a few spiritual gatherings that were held far from where I lived. When I returned, I found no one nearby to discuss what I had experienced. I needed to share. For some odd reason, I opened up to Darlene, the new person in my department, who I really didn’t know much about. I immediately felt comfortable in her presence enough to pour out my soul. I started telling her about the drumming, dancing, and ceremonies that took place in nature where I felt connected to everyone and everything. She listened and remained silent as I went on and on about how the experience of a woman’s weekend and other spiritual gatherings had completely changed me. Here I was, an extreme introvert babbling on and on to someone I hardly knew about really deep matters.

We both came from Catholic upbringings and at first, she was skeptical. She was in a different place in her own spiritual awakening process. The Catholic Church maintains its control over members through guilt with generations of people immersed in their belief system. It can be a long process to disconnect from ancestral indoctrinated programming. Darlene and I shared our personal childhood experiences with nuns who brought up deep-seated notions within us.

A person’s belief system is likely to change as one is exposed to ideas that are more in tune with one’s soul. Spending a weeklong camping trip in nature with others who are also journeying along paths of inner discovery and awakening can bring about a transformation in consciousness. I took Darlene to her first spiritual gathering the following summer and saw first hand as the wall she had built around her heart began to soften. She started sharing her innermost feelings, which previously she had kept to herself.

We also explored Native American Sweatlodges and shamanic journeying together. In the coming years, she would pour sweats, singing Lakota songs and songs from her ancestral heritage. She had such a beautiful voice. That year we began meeting members of our soul family. Darlene was the first person I have ever heard say, “He’s my brother from another mother”. I always thought that she invented the phrase.

We continued to grow closer as friends and Darlene began to refer to us as Mario and Luigi. Her daughter was young at the time and enjoyed playing the Mario Bros. video game. As I had a fondness of speaking with silly accents, I good-naturedly accepted the name Mario. I wanted to be Luigi because it had that soothing “oo” sound that I loved so much, like in my nickname Goo. But no matter how often I tried to become Luigi, Darlene wouldn’t let me be Luigi. I continued as  Mario and ended up losing my meatballs. We brought more of our soul family into our little world and Italian names were given out like Antonio, Isabella, Fabio (with the flowing hair), My Cousin Vinny, Fettucini Alfredo and Pepe di Pino.

We played whole-heartedly, not caring what others thought. Often she would call me and leave a message on my voice mail in an Italian accent that went something like this: “This-a message is for-a Mario. If this is not-a Mario, hang up right now. (pause) OK. This must-a be the real Mario. Mario! Give-a Luigi a call when yous can! Ciao!”

When we talked, we had a special secret code word like children do. No matter what the reason for the call, we began each conversation in silliness. Darlene was a great friend to me, as well as many other people. I am one of many who considered her a “best friend”.

She had a vast network of friends and loved ones. Wherever we went, people were captivated by her upbeat personality. She was loved by many and often received gifts from strangers that she had just met.

Darlene’s sense of humor was unique. On the day I thought of writing this tribute, a 7-year-old memory appeared on my Facebook page:

This is an example of the humor that we shared. Because our office building was close to O’Hare Airport, Darlene came up with the idea of giving out wedgies during lunchtime with our friend Robin. Darlene even named Robin’s car “The Nalgas Mobile”.  Nalgas is Spanish for buttocks.

We imagined that we would say, “Welcome to Chicago, here’s your wedgie!” Of course we never actually did it, but it was one of those fun ideas that we played around with.

Darlene showed love in a special way.
Even if she just met you,
she might give you a hug.
The unique thing about Darlene’s hugs
is that she had to hug you on both sides.

She learned that tradition from our mutual friend, Madonna, who, when she was alive, facilitated Dances for Universal Peace. Madonna had taught Darlene the Sufi way of hugging on both sides for the balance. Not being a big hugger myself, I would usually say, “I’m already unbalanced and one side is enough to balance me.” Darlene would hear nothing of it. It was always “both sides”. She turned on so many people to the “hugs on both sides” custom. This was her trademark, so much part of her that she once received the nickname “Two Hugs”.

Darlene’s first name was Rocio. She sometimes referred to herself as Rocky who was always looking for her Bullwinkle. And just like Rocky the flying squirrel, she had an aviator hat and goggles. She told me that she wore them when she created art.

Pat Thielen, one of our brothers from another mother, took this picture of Darlene decked out in Rocky attire.

Darlene as Rocky with Teddy

Here are more pictures of Darlene with her daughter Jessika:

Darlene was an artist who had dreams of having her art shown around the world. She told me that if she could help one other person see something in her art to help that person heal, that was all she needed. I can relate to that. I also have an altruistic need to help at least one other person. Perhaps it’s a need that wounded healers have. Our personal issues may find healing through the act of reaching out to others.

As an artist, she captured the essence of the person in her portraits. Darlene loved to paint eyes, the windows of the soul.  It was her soulful insights that always helped me out. She always listened to my problems and often gave me inspiring advice. A great many times she talked me off the proverbial ledge. We had a special pact. As I suffered reoccurring bouts of suicidal depression, I asked her to help me through the rough patches. She was so intuitive. At random times when I was feeling terribly depressed and wanted to kill myself, she would call me with the simple message: It is not an option.

It is so ironic that she would be the one to help me through suicidal times because she cherished life so much, enjoying every moment as much as possible.

She called me to the emergency room over 4 years ago when she was having extreme abdominal pains. Because I am a Reiki Master, she asked me to do Reiki on her. I did. I scanned her body but didn’t tell her until later what I saw: cancer.

She ended up getting diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and having the tumor removed. In the early days of the illness, I stayed with her and watched her dog, Onyx, who was later joined by Orion, another German Shepherd. She said that she always wanted a black female and a white male, for the balance.

Darlene loved animals, especially dogs. She loved Star Wars so much that she named her chickens after characters in the movies. She often commented that she got along with animals better than people.

As friends, we talked about important issues. We both enjoyed deep conversations. Among other spiritual topics, we talked about reincarnation. Darlene insisted that this was not her last lifetime on Earth. She knew she had at least one more. I hope to see her again when she comes back. As we are soul sisters connected through spirit, our bond is beyond dimensions, time and space. She will always be a part of me.

One of the last days that I visited her, I cried and cried before I went to her house. I had finally realized why she called me Mario and not Luigi. I asked her about that once, why couldn’t I be Luigi and she be Mario? “Because Mario goes first,” she said. Goes first, what does that mean?

That morning in my tear-laden state, sobbing on the bed in a fetal position as my beloved held me, I realized what it meant. I went to my first spiritual gathering by myself. I went first. That led me to bring her the following year. Because of that, we met members of our soul family and Darlene reconnected with her personal truth.

As I lie there, I had a mystical moment. I saw the world as I do when I am in touch with my higher self. At moments such as those, my mind goes to my light-filled Dreamscape series paintings. I thought of my shamanic training and when I helped both of my parents in their transition from this world to the next. I was there to help them into the light.

At that moment, I felt the love of the entire Universe. I saw everything so vividly in my mind’s eye what is truly real, the love and connection between everything and everyone; the reason I went to a spiritual gathering in the first place. I was in a space of pure love and I felt the presence of Darlene’s ancestors surrounding me in white golden light. They gave me a message to tell her. I understood my role in this whole scenario, to help others through the gateway into other worlds. Because of Darlene, I had entered new worlds of creativity and imagination.

My soul sister and I had both taken care of our ill mothers at the end of their Earthly journeys. We were there as much as possible for each other through those difficult times. We both said that we would do it again in a heartbeat.

Darlene had been struggling with intense pain through her fight with cancer. She often called me to do Reiki on her to ease the pain. Like so many people with that cruel disease, she desperately wanted to live. She thought she would. She knew she was a healer. That morning, possibly without knowing it, she helped heal a part of me. I saw how she led me further into the world of imagination through her own imagination. I saw our connection in the bigger picture.

When I saw her later that morning, I told her that she was a great shaman because she helped heal a part of me. I told her it was OK to go let go and be with her ancestors. I told her that she was a blessing to everyone that she encountered; each hug she gave was a gift, a little part of her that she shared with everyone. I told her that she restored the balance in others.

Darlene had been my best friend for 25 years. The gift she gave me was both sides of herself. The strong-willed, insightful, wise woman who could be stubborn and challenging at times. Then there was her other side, the gentle, loving, caring, creative, girly-girl who loved to dance, wear lots of bling and play.

In the years that I have known her, I watched her daughter, Jessika, grow and blossom into a beautiful woman.

And I also watched my best friend put up the hardest fight I have ever seen. She fought to the very end. A true testament to her warrior nature.

As part of her lineage, Darlene existed as a Mayan Timekeeper. She mentioned it to me on several occasions but she never described what it meant. She departed this world on July 25, the annual Mayan Day Out of Time. On this day, Sirius, the Dog Star, rises with the sun in the morning.

    The Day Out of Time is the last day of the Mayan 13 Moon calendar. It realigns humanity into a renewed appreciation for our inherent divinity and connection to nature. It’s a day to live time as art; a day for universal forgiveness. Her soul chose the energy of forgiveness and art to cross over into the light. I am certain that there is much more to it, with a deeper reason that she now completely understands.

Everyone who knew Darlene probably has a personal story to tell. She was the kind of person who treated people with love and compassion. No doubt she left a special “hugs on both sides” memory in many of the lives she touched.

It is hard to say good-bye. She wanted so much to live. I kept praying for a miracle. Maybe the miracle was there the whole time. Maybe the miracle was connecting with “my sister from another mister” and the time we shared together.

May the Force Be With You Always, My SiStar!

aka Mario

My Spiritual Awakening: It All Started With A Mouse

Back in May 1991, I went on vacation with my sister and a friend. My sister had just received her master’s degree and wanted to celebrate by going to someplace special. So we went to what some consider the most magical place in the world: Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

I had been there twice before the trip, so I knew how wonderful it could be. This time was no different and every moment of the vacation was fun, even when it rained. On a rainy afternoon, we saw many people wearing slick plastic ponchos with a Disney emblem on them. One of us (quite possibly me because I have a propensity for naming things) made up the term “Poncho Villa people”. You have to understand those transparent rain ponchos were a new concept back then and to us, they looked incredibly silly as a cultural phenomenon. We did not become assimilated into their cult and did our best to navigate umbrella-less throughout the Land of Mickey.

I have to pause from my story and say that I love Mickey Mouse, I have my entire life. One of my favorite t-shirts is an all-over print of various Mickey Mouse heads that I bought on this particular trip. At times, I call my boyfriend “Mickey” and sometimes sing parts of the catchy Toni Basil song Hey Mickey to him.

We stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort, which is on the grounds of Walt Disney World so that we could go to all the theme parks by boat, shuttle or monorail, and never-ever step one foot off of Disney property. I feel that staying within the complex is the most magical way to visit this enchanted realm. When I’m there, I never want to leave. If you feel the same way about any Disney park, it’s partly because of the pixie dust that Tinker Bell and her friends sprinkle on you when you’re not looking.

On the last day of our trip, we checked out of the hotel and had several hours to spend until our afternoon flight. We found some lounge chairs along the beach and I quickly fell asleep.

I don’t know how much time had passed when a voice woke me up with the words: Write the book. Write the book that you always came here to write.

My epiphany was part of my spiritual awakening, A voice that didn’t sound like my own thoughts, was telling me something that was in my own heart. (Read more about my ideas of spiritual awakening here.)

I got home and started writing a fantasy novel. I adored the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien and always thought that I would write something along the sword and sorcery vein. The date was May 23rd; I remember it because it was my friend’s birthday.

Over time, the book I wrote morphed into another one and I sent the manuscripts off to publishers. They were rejected each time. Because I was one of those people who could not handle rejection well, years passed in between submissions to publishers. At one point, I stopped submitting altogether.

Meanwhile, I started writing the third book in the trilogy, completing several chapters and the ending. Most of the middle is not yet written, though the final chapter is. And that is the important part because it ends on a high note.

Writing a novel is a journey in itself. For me, it was an exploration of my own psyche, a map of my subconsciousness that took me years to understand. My fantasy novels are not structured writings with carefully outlined details but rather an unfolding of the story that occurs only when I’m ready. My books write themselves, or rather, they write me, revealing wisdom that I had forgotten. I had many serendipitous moments when I stumbled across another author’s work whose use of magic resembled my own. Perhaps we are all drawing from the same well.

23 years after my magical nap, it is May 2014 and I go on a trip with my boyfriend to celebrate his birthday. Just as Walt Disney World is my special place, the mountains are his, so we went to the Rockies.

It was there that I began to awaken to the realization that the book that I was meant to write wasn’t just another fantasy novel.

The puzzle pieces that had been scattered throughout my life began to fit together. I have always been fascinated with Alice in Wonderland, especially Disney’s cartoon movie. I love the 2010 version with Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, who also plays Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. Do you know what my favorite ride is at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom? Yep! You guessed it! Pirates of the Caribbean.

In college in the 80’s, I did a pointillism project for an Illustration class. It was a picture of Alice falling down a rabbit hole and it took me over 40 hours to complete. (I will share that another time.)

In the 90’s, I had a shaman call me Alice and took me on a journey of shapeshifting. I also trained in shamanism and began the healing of my inner child, the Alice within me.

For many years, my boyfriend has owned a white rabbit statue. As a Christmas present in 2009, he gave me a drawing of a rabbit that he had created. Another time, he gave me a rabbit statue. I never told him of my Alice fascination but seeing each one leads me deeper down the rabbit hole of my own imagination.

I credit Walt Disney for waking me up. As I awaken to remembering more parts of my cosmic puzzle-self, I am seeing with renewed clarity how everything is connected through consciousness As I expand in my awareness, insights come to me which feel that they were always there. I just never looked at them.

It’s all about perception. While you may not share my love of the magic of Walt Disney,  you may have a curiouser idea that you don’t share with others because of an underlying fear, like rejection. Or you do share it and people act like you are entirely bonkers.

I’m completely bonkers and I’m happy to admit it.
I have ideas that are out of this world.
Maybe you do too.

My last post was about waking up as a Jedi. As audacious and maybe even childish as it sounds, I’ve always felt that I am a Jedi Knight ever since seeing the first Star Wars movie in a theatre in 1977. Now that Star Wars is part of Disney, it confirms my long-held belief that George Lucas didn’t invent Star Wars, he was merely awakening us to the wonders of the Force that we had forgotten.

It is my hope to someday contribute to Disney in a creative manner. All possibilities exist in multidimensionality, so that might still happen in this Universe.

I am certain that humanity will eventually see how multi-faceted, interconnected, and real the world of imagination actually is.

I believe that voice that woke me up in 1991 was Walt Disney. And just as he said, it all started with a mouse.

Alice Always

P.S. I would like to hear about your personal experience with spiritual awakening or your curiouser beliefs. Please share in the comments.

A Jedi Awakens – Part 1

This is a true telling about multidimensionality. You might perceive it as a fictional story if your perception of reality encompasses only the 3D world. Those who have awoken to inner knowing may perceive something more. Each individual will see through one’s own personal filter of beliefs and level of remembering. What you take away from this depends on where you are at any given moment. Read this today, and you may think one way. Read it a year from now, and your perception may be quite different.

* * * * *

Darkness surrounded the woman. Dark she was as she blended into the night. Frigid air stung her exposed hands. Trying to warm them, she moved her fingers deeper into her sleeves, clutching the fabric with her fists.

There. Better. Thank you, warm clothing.

Her mind shifted to the task at hand. Where was I?

That was such a loaded question to ask herself. Essa’s mind shifted to the awareness that parts of herself were in countless places at once. An infinite number of multiple dimensions, timelines, realities, worlds, all happening now.

No. She told herself. What was I thinking?

She knew it had to do with the sensation of energy that flowed inside her body. An occasional feeling that had not happened in a while.

A few moments were quite substantial as she felt a current of intense power rushing through her at unbelievable speeds. Mostly, it was subtle, moving in and out of her perception like a winding stream. Now she couldn’t feel it all. The only thing she felt was the chill on her skin.

How do I get it back? That aliveness, that feeling of being connected?

Mind chatter, she admonished herself. You’re doing it again. That is not the way.

She tried to quiet her mind without avail. The presence of past and future memories flooded her mind.

She sighed, surrendering to her own questioning. She felt still.

Then it happened.

Follow the breath, a voice said.

Oh, there you are, she told the voice, glad that she could hear it once again.

The voice had been with her for a long time. Before she noticed it, she experienced a high-pitched tone in her ears that would awaken her in the middle of the night, a ringing so strong that she could not fall back asleep. At times it sounded close up, other times far away. Sometimes there was a layering of tones in different frequencies. When she tried to describe it, all she could think of was that the cacophony sounded like stars shining.

The ringing lasted years. Then she heard the clicks and bells interspersed among the other sounds. After that came music, beautiful melodies that were new to her ears but not to her soul. Then the high-pitched tones returned all the time, always varying in intensity. After enduring it for months, a voice began speaking to her in her mind. It was both like and unlike her own voice at the same time. A deeper intonation of power, more tenacious and resolute.

Lately, that voice had grown dim, out of reach for her conscious mind. Over the past few months, her thoughts seemed even more scattered than normal, littered words strewn across the Universe.

Essa! Stop thinking! The voice insisted. Just breathe.

The woman focused on her breath, breathing deep into her diaphragm, filling her lungs completely. Intentionally, she slowed her breathing down with each inhalation. Every subsequent exhalation lasted longer than the previous one as she emptied her lungs of air.

Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in…

Essa’s abdomen expanded more on each consecutive inhalation. Her ribs protruded on the exhalations as she forced out all air. 

Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in…

After a while of deep breathing, a warmth grew within her body. She experienced it like a sunrise, first an energetic feeling glowing red, then it melted into orange, then yellow.

Ah, I feel warm now. Thank you.

Her mental chatter had ceased. Warm energy flowed from within and surrounded her. She lay there for an unperceivable amount of time: a second, a minute, an hour, she couldn’t enumerate. Time had evaporated.

A thought appeared in her mind: 

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

It built like a mantra from within her, growing stronger, louder, and more insistent. She felt each cell of her physical form vibrate with sound as they lit up with shining light. Her skin tingled as the incandescence trapped inside burst through her pores shooting rays of pure golden light outward.

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

The repetition of the phrase continued involuntarily. 

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

Her heart pounded in her chest like the beat of a drum. 

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

A green flame of pure energy ignited from the center of her heart and quickly expanded outward, roaring like a fire.

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

Breathing in the green energy made her mildly dizzy and light-headed.

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

Suddenly, the energetic green fire burst into bright blue sparks which disappeared momentarily and popped up again as brilliant cerulean orbs. The orbs floated around her; each with a unique luminance.

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

She felt like a star shining. Her consciousness shifted as she realized that others like her could feel the shining. Glimmers of awareness erupted in her mind like bubbles, with energies similar to the cerulean orbs. She intuitively understood that she was communicating with others on the deepest level imaginable, far beneath conscious thought.

She exchanged telepathic communication with others who were waiting for her acknowledgment.

They had been trying to contact her for a long time. Waiting. As she was. Waiting.

A thought blasted through her senses: It is time. 

The cerulean bubbles erupted into lights, each reflecting the brightness of the others.

We are all One, Essa said.

Always, whispered the voice inside.

Who are you? she asked.

The Force, it replied.

*  *  *  *  *

Are you a Jedi or know someone who is? Some of us may still be asleep to the fact that Jedi are indeed real. Many have specific missions here on Earth in this lifetime. To follow Essa’s remembering and to learn more about Awakening, subscribe to this blog. Feel free to share it with others.

May the Force Be with You Always!

 Read A Jedi Awakens – Part 2 here

Why I Believe in Faeries (or Fairies, if You Prefer)

I do believe in faeries! I do! I do!

When I was a young child I saw small spirits among the plants. They resembled people with exaggerated facial features. I didn’t always see them clearly, but I felt them. Often in the summer, I spent time at the corner of my parents’ backyard where a patch of wild buttercups grew. I sat there alone and gazed at the tiny shiny yellow flowers. Sometimes I picked one, held it upside down, thinking that it would make a nice skirt for a little doll. Twirling it, I envisioned myself dancing in a yellow dress.

There was heightened happiness I experienced in the buttercup patch that I didn’t feel anywhere else. It was an inner joy, a bubbliness that I felt inside that made me laugh.

One day, I was outside with my mom as she trimmed hedges. I watched as little spirits that resembled butterflies flew around the tips of the branches. I called them butterflies because I didn’t know about faeries when I was young. I didn’t read any books or see movies about them. It was the pre-internet age and resources were scarce.

I mentioned seeing butterflies to my mom and she gave me a look of complete disbelief and motherly concern. “There are no butterflies,” she said. The faeries immediately disappeared. Vanished. I never saw them again at my childhood home. That very moment a part of my consciousness closed up and I took on the dense prevailing conviction of the society that I lived in: the belief that faeries did not exist.

Now I must say that I prefer the spelling of faerie to fairy. This a personal preference, nothing more. Faerie is the archaic spelling of the word. It contains the word fae, which is used to describe otherworldly magical beings and the world they inhabit. I’ll have to elaborate on them in another blog post.

In my late 20s, I began to question everything that I was taught to believe. Sometime in the early 90s, I attended a lecture at the Theosophical Society. The lecture itself was dull, a topic that really didn’t interest me but I went there to try to make friends. I was looking for like-minded people. But my introverted personality stopped me from talking to anyone.

After the lecture, I went into the woods beyond the parking lot. The headquarters of the Theosophical Society in America is located in a vast park-like setting in Wheaton, Illinois. I went walking on the grounds at dusk and felt contentment and inner peace. Then I saw the first faerie I had seen in years. She was hiding behind a tree, poking her head out and looking at me in the way that shy toddlers do among strangers.

What astonished me was that she was not like the small butterfly-like spirits that I had seen when I was younger. Her height was about knee level and she looked like a young girl with slanted eyes and pointed ears. The most curious thing about her was that she was pink! All pink, from head to toe! I didn’t know if it was a pink glow that she was emitting or something else. My interaction with her lasted a few minutes.

Over the years, I have had other experiences with the Fae. I will write about them more in future posts. But right now, I’m focusing on the one I encountered in 1992.

Let’s fast-forward in time.

About five years ago, my beloved boyfriend gave me two garden statues for my birthday. They came in cardboard boxes that had their names printed on them. One was a gargoyle named Trixie and the other was a faerie named Fern. Fern reminded me of the spirit I saw in the woods over 20 years earlier.

When the idea of writing a story about Alice in Wonderland came to me, Fern began to talk to me in my thoughts. I found out that she is my guide to the world of Faerie. She is much like the shy child I was but wise beyond belief. Trixie is more of a silent master who engages with me in conversations occasionally.

You may say that this is just my imagination. That’s OK. But I know that we exist in a multi-dimensional reality. Only when we let go of our learned limiting beliefs can we touch them.

Why do I believe in faeries? Because a part of me is fae, a magical being that is learning to remember who I am on all levels. I believe in faeries because to believe in them is to believe in myself.

Alice Always

The Importance of Earth Day with Dr. Jane Goodall

I ran across the 2018 Earth Day Google Doodle video with Jane Goodall accidentally when I was Googling something else. As you may already know, Dr. Jane Goodall is a primatologist and an anthropologist is who the foremost authority on chimpanzees.

Here are two important quotes from her to keep in mind:

Out in the rainforest you learn how everything is interconnected and how each little species, even though it may seem insignificant, has a role to play in this tapestry of life.


Every single individual matters, every single individual makes some impact on the planet every single day and we have a choice as to what kind of difference we are going to make.

You matter. I matter. They matter. We all matter.

Every being on the Earth matters including the Earth herself.

May you take a moment today to go out outside and connect with nature in some way. I will be walking the nature trail by my house, stopping to smell the flowers that are finally making their appearance after a long winter.

I’ll also hug a tree, meditate in nature and reflect upon how each of us impacts the world. I will visualize our Mother Earth in all her beauty and see her healed of all the offenses mankind has ever done to her.

May you celebrate Earth Day and every day feeling One with everything.

Alice Always

Signs to Show Us the Way on Our Life’s Journey

In the everyday world of 3D, we see the signs clearly: STOP, WALK, DON’T WALK and the curiouser BRIDGE MAY BE ICY that remain visible even in the Dog Days of Summer because they are never taken down.

These signs are designed to aid us, though sometimes waiting at a 2 minute stop light when there is no traffic, seems to be more of a hindrance. Some of us hate waiting; the word patience is not in our vocabulary.

What if we changed the perspective? Looked at everything in a different light? Did a complete 180? Imagine sitting at that stop light and thinking, Wow! Another opportunity to do some deep breathing! or Wow! Another moment to think what I’m grateful for!

Signs are not limited to what we can see. They may come to us through songs that may have an answer to a problem in their lyrics. For instance, the message relayed by the immortal Bob Marley in his uplifting song Three Little Birds:

Don’t worry about a thing
‘Cause every little thing gonna be alright

We are faced with challenges every day. Getting upset isn’t going to make the situation better. In fact, it may spiral down and create even more challenges. Negative breeds more negativity.

What if we decided to focus on the positive, move forward with the understanding that everything that happens to us is here to aid us on our life journey. Signs show us what our soul needs.

Many of us miss the signs along the way. Or deliberately ignore them.

Signs can come from anywhere, especially animals. I learned about animals being messengers to our soul as totems and spirit guides when I was studying shamanism back in the 1990s.

In 2002, author Ted Andrews published Animal Speak, the premier book on totems and animal medicine. Of course, now it’s easier to Google information then carrying around an oversized book.

Throughout the years, I would encounter animals at odd times. The day I started writing this, I was glum and wanted to give up this whole Alice Always blog and shut it down. Just then I glanced out the window and saw a goose standing on one leg, seemingly staring at me.

In animal medicine, goose represents imaginary realms. I got the immediate feeling like Mother Goose was chastising me for wanting to abandon her.

The message was received. I will continue to write about imagination and other assorted what-nots.

Are there signs that you noticed but never gave a second thought? The Universe is always giving up clues if we open up to them. Everything is there to help you.

Are you paying attention? What sign did you notice recently? Maybe you read an uplifting message that was meant just for you.

Alice Always

P.S. Here’s a cute video of Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds by Noggin. and another by Playing for Change. Enjoy the song of the day!