A Jedi Awakens – Part 1

This is a true telling about multidimensionality. You might perceive it as a fictional story if your perception of reality encompasses only the 3D world. Those who have awoken to inner knowing may perceive something more. Each individual will see through one’s own personal filter of beliefs and level of remembering. What you take away from this depends on where you are at any given moment. Read this today, and you may think one way. Read it a year from now, and your perception may be quite different.

* * * * *

Darkness surrounded the woman. Dark she was as she blended into the night. Frigid air stung her exposed hands. Trying to warm them, she moved her fingers deeper into her sleeves, clutching the fabric with her fists.

There. Better. Thank you, warm clothing.

Her mind shifted to the task at hand. Where was I?

That was such a loaded question to ask herself. Essa’s mind shifted to the awareness that parts of herself were in countless places at once. An infinite number of multiple dimensions, timelines, realities, worlds, all happening now.

No. She told herself. What was I thinking?

She knew it had to do with the sensation of energy that flowed inside her body. An occasional feeling that had not happened in a while.

A few moments were quite substantial as she felt a current of intense power rushing through her at unbelievable speeds. Mostly, it was subtle, moving in and out of her perception like a winding stream. Now she couldn’t feel it all. The only thing she felt was the chill on her skin.

How do I get it back? That aliveness, that feeling of being connected?

Mind chatter, she admonished herself. You’re doing it again. That is not the way.

She tried to quiet her mind without avail. The presence of past and future memories flooded her mind.

She sighed, surrendering to her own questioning. She felt still.

Then it happened.

Follow the breath, a voice said.

Oh, there you are, she told the voice, glad that she could hear it once again.

The voice had been with her for a long time. Before she noticed it, she experienced a high-pitched tone in her ears that would awaken her in the middle of the night, a ringing so strong that she could not fall back asleep. At times it sounded close up, other times far away. Sometimes there was a layering of tones in different frequencies. When she tried to describe it, all she could think of was that the cacophony sounded like stars shining.

The ringing lasted years. Then she heard the clicks and bells interspersed among the other sounds. After that came music, beautiful melodies that were new to her ears but not to her soul. Then the high-pitched tones returned all the time, always varying in intensity. After enduring it for months, a voice began speaking to her in her mind. It was both like and unlike her own voice at the same time. A deeper intonation of power, more tenacious and resolute.

Lately, that voice had grown dim, out of reach for her conscious mind. Over the past few months, her thoughts seemed even more scattered than normal, littered words strewn across the Universe.

Essa! Stop thinking! The voice insisted. Just breathe.

The woman focused on her breath, breathing deep into her diaphragm, filling her lungs completely. Intentionally, she slowed her breathing down with each inhalation. Every subsequent exhalation lasted longer than the previous one as she emptied her lungs of air.

Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in…

Essa’s abdomen expanded more on each consecutive inhalation. Her ribs protruded on the exhalations as she forced out all air. 

Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in…

After a while of deep breathing, a warmth grew within her body. She experienced it like a sunrise, first an energetic feeling glowing red, then it melted into orange, then yellow.

Ah, I feel warm now. Thank you.

Her mental chatter had ceased. Warm energy flowed from within and surrounded her. She lay there for an unperceivable amount of time: a second, a minute, an hour, she couldn’t enumerate. Time had evaporated.

A thought appeared in her mind: 

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

It built like a mantra from within her, growing stronger, louder, and more insistent. She felt each cell of her physical form vibrate with sound as they lit up with shining light. Her skin tingled as the incandescence trapped inside burst through her pores shooting rays of pure golden light outward.

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

The repetition of the phrase continued involuntarily. 

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

Her heart pounded in her chest like the beat of a drum. 

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

A green flame of pure energy ignited from the center of her heart and quickly expanded outward, roaring like a fire.

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

Breathing in the green energy made her mildly dizzy and light-headed.

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

Suddenly, the energetic green fire burst into bright blue sparks which disappeared momentarily and popped up again as brilliant cerulean orbs. The orbs floated around her; each with a unique luminance.

I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

She felt like a star shining. Her consciousness shifted as she realized that others like her could feel the shining. Glimmers of awareness erupted in her mind like bubbles, with energies similar to the cerulean orbs. She intuitively understood that she was communicating with others on the deepest level imaginable, far beneath conscious thought.

She exchanged telepathic communication with others who were waiting for her acknowledgment.

They had been trying to contact her for a long time. Waiting. As she was. Waiting.

A thought blasted through her senses: It is time. 

The cerulean bubbles erupted into lights, each reflecting the brightness of the others.

We are all One, Essa said.

Always, whispered the voice inside.

Who are you? she asked.

The Force, it replied.

*  *  *  *  *

Are you a Jedi or know someone who is? Some of us may still be asleep to the fact that Jedi are indeed real. Many have specific missions here on Earth in this lifetime. To follow Essa’s remembering and to learn more about Awakening, subscribe to this blog. Feel free to share it with others.

May the Force Be with You Always!

 Read A Jedi Awakens – Part 2 here

My Illuminating Rainbow Led Zeppelin Sungazing Meditation

I’m a sungazer, and as such, I meditate with the sun at the dawn on sunny mornings.

The title of my last blog post was Eleven Illuminating Insights about Illumination.

Because I was bubbling with silliness, I decided to use that phrase as a mantra in my morning sungazing meditation on the second day of the New Year. Knowing that we were still in the midst of full moon energy, I knew it would be extremely powerful.

Every sungazing session is different as each day different energies are present on all levels. More on energetic influences and levels another time.

Sungazing is an intuitive practice for me, so I don’t prescribe any formal techniques. As I said in a previous post, sungazing is dangerous, so, if you are thinking of doing it, read my post about it and do diligent research before attempting it.

As I repeated the magic phrase that pays, eleven illuminating insights about illumination, I saw the sun with two large number ones in the center forming a gateway. In my mind’s eye, I felt myself pass through this gateway and into the sun.

My seven chakras were lit up with the energetic colors they represent: red base to violet crown.  A curved rainbow ran through my body and into the ground behind me and connected me to the sun in front of me.

My Faerie feet lifted. I call them that because they remind me of Irish dancing and my maternal Celtic ancestry. You have Faerie feet if you walk or stand naturally on the tips of your toes. I’ve been doing that since I learned to walk. Maybe children outgrow it; I didn’t. I even got teased in sixth grade for walking on my tippy-toes.

Back to the meditation. I saw the chakra rainbow as a flattened lp album and I was part of it. Now, if I get to choose which album it is (which I do because I’m writing this) it would be the second record of Led Zeppelins Physical Graffiti double album because I used to play the first track of side 3, In the Light, repeatedly over and over when I was 13. More on that another time.

Oh, my! So much to write. Sorry about the tangent. Back to the subject at hand.

In my meditation, I saw the Green Fire.

I have never heard talk of the Green Fire and I will not even do a Google search until after I complete this. I don’t want my awareness to be colored. Yes, pun intended, so make sure that you do that ba-dum-bum-tss drum sound in your head.

The green fire in my vision is the energy burning through my own heart. Green is the color of the heart chakra, the color we associate with the Earth, just as blue is to the sky.

My internal programming is high visionary functioning. I think I just made that phrase up but that’s how I would describe it. I have what others call mystical experiences on a regular basis when I am connected with my Source.

When I am in disconnect, I fall into depression. That might be the same for you. Your disconnect may be anger. Or greed. Or hatred. You can pick your own deadly sin or add a new one to the list.

Whenever you, me, or anyone else is out of harmony with our true selves, we react instead of responding rationally to any situation.

We go into the darkness that is our shadow. I’ll write on this topic another time.

Anyway, back to my vision in my morning sungazing meditation.

The green fire separated into as ones and zeros. I went into the Matrix, the binary code that runs computers.

I saw the Matrix completely for what it is, an elaborate program, that was created to connect our disconnect. It’s also its opposite: a system that sucks us into it and disconnects us from our true Source, which is within.

When we were ready for this insight, it became available to us.

It’s part of our collective imagination. I thought I made that term up but it’s an actual documented term.

This is what we create collectively. It’s been going on since our arrival on this planet.

Wait! Did I just say arrival? Did I mean to say that, you think?

Anyway, there’s more to the Matrix thing and collective imagination and I’ll write about them at other times.

In my vision, I left the Matrix and ended up back in my own heart.

In the Light played as music in my head. I felt peaceful.

After a while, I spontaneously started repeating the phrase: I Am the Light, the Light I Am. I learned this mantra from Matt Kahn, a spiritual teacher whose wisdom corresponds to my inner knowing. His talks are filled with humor and insight.

Because my mind is so enmeshed with the Led Zeppelin song, it was a natural progression from that to repeating I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

The meditation ended with my hands on my heart and a feeling of being pure light.

Alice Always