My Illuminating Rainbow Led Zeppelin Sungazing Meditation

I’m a sungazer, and as such, I meditate with the sun at the dawn on sunny mornings.

The title of my last blog post was Eleven Illuminating Insights about Illumination.

Because I was bubbling with silliness, I decided to use that phrase as a mantra in my morning sungazing meditation on the second day of the New Year. Knowing that we were still in the midst of full moon energy, I knew it would be extremely powerful.

Every sungazing session is different as each day different energies are present on all levels. More on energetic influences and levels another time.

Sungazing is an intuitive practice for me, so I don’t prescribe any formal techniques. As I said in a previous post, sungazing is dangerous, so, if you are thinking of doing it, read my post about it and do diligent research before attempting it.

As I repeated the magic phrase that pays, eleven illuminating insights about illumination, I saw the sun with two large number ones in the center forming a gateway. In my mind’s eye, I felt myself pass through this gateway and into the sun.

My seven chakras were lit up with the energetic colors they represent: red base to violet crown.  A curved rainbow ran through my body and into the ground behind me and connected me to the sun in front of me.

My Faerie feet lifted. I call them that because they remind me of Irish dancing and my maternal Celtic ancestry. You have Faerie feet if you walk or stand naturally on the tips of your toes. I’ve been doing that since I learned to walk. Maybe children outgrow it; I didn’t. I even got teased in sixth grade for walking on my tippy-toes.

Back to the meditation. I saw the chakra rainbow as a flattened lp album and I was part of it. Now, if I get to choose which album it is (which I do because I’m writing this) it would be the second record of Led Zeppelins Physical Graffiti double album because I used to play the first track of side 3, In the Light, repeatedly over and over when I was 13. More on that another time.

Oh, my! So much to write. Sorry about the tangent. Back to the subject at hand.

In my meditation, I saw the Green Fire.

I have never heard talk of the Green Fire and I will not even do a Google search until after I complete this. I don’t want my awareness to be colored. Yes, pun intended, so make sure that you do that ba-dum-bum-tss drum sound in your head.

The green fire in my vision is the energy burning through my own heart. Green is the color of the heart chakra, the color we associate with the Earth, just as blue is to the sky.

My internal programming is high visionary functioning. I think I just made that phrase up but that’s how I would describe it. I have what others call mystical experiences on a regular basis when I am connected with my Source.

When I am in disconnect, I fall into depression. That might be the same for you. Your disconnect may be anger. Or greed. Or hatred. You can pick your own deadly sin or add a new one to the list.

Whenever you, me, or anyone else is out of harmony with our true selves, we react instead of responding rationally to any situation.

We go into the darkness that is our shadow. I’ll write on this topic another time.

Anyway, back to my vision in my morning sungazing meditation.

The green fire separated into as ones and zeros. I went into the Matrix, the binary code that runs computers.

I saw the Matrix completely for what it is, an elaborate program, that was created to connect our disconnect. It’s also its opposite: a system that sucks us into it and disconnects us from our true Source, which is within.

When we were ready for this insight, it became available to us.

It’s part of our collective imagination. I thought I made that term up but it’s an actual documented term.

This is what we create collectively. It’s been going on since our arrival on this planet.

Wait! Did I just say arrival? Did I mean to say that, you think?

Anyway, there’s more to the Matrix thing and collective imagination and I’ll write about them at other times.

In my vision, I left the Matrix and ended up back in my own heart.

In the Light played as music in my head. I felt peaceful.

After a while, I spontaneously started repeating the phrase: I Am the Light, the Light I Am. I learned this mantra from Matt Kahn, a spiritual teacher whose wisdom corresponds to my inner knowing. His talks are filled with humor and insight.

Because my mind is so enmeshed with the Led Zeppelin song, it was a natural progression from that to repeating I Am the Light, the Light I Am.

The meditation ended with my hands on my heart and a feeling of being pure light.

Alice Always

11 Illuminating Insights about Illumination

Since 2018 is The Year of Illumination and today is the eleventh day of the year, I wanted to present for your perusal, eleven illuminating insights about illumination.

How’s that for alliteration?

I repeated the title of this post 11 times out loud, hoping to get some silly stumbling of syllables, You know, like what happens when you say “Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers”. The whole tongue-twisted and burst out laughing thing. Yeah, it doesn’t happen with this one.

Why don’t you try it for yourself? Let me know what happens.

I did a meditation using the phrase that pays that was quite illuminating. I will share my experiences in another post.

So here are eleven illuminating insights about illumination:

The first nine are meanings of the word taken from the definition of illumination.

Wow! Nothing like getting it all done with a dictionary definition. I know, huh? But I like the Number 9 so much, I had to do it.

Illumination is:

1. an act or instance of illuminating.
2. the fact or condition of being illuminated.
3. a decoration of lights, usually colored lights.
4sometimes, illuminations. An entertainment, display, or celebration using lights as a major feature or decoration.
5. intellectual or spiritual enlightenment.
6. also called illuminance, intensity of illumination. Optics. the intensity of light falling at a given place on a lighted surface; luminous flux incident per unit area, expressed in lumens per unit of area.
7. a supply of light: a source of illumination.
8. decoration of a manuscript or book with a painted design in color, gold, etc.
9. a design used in such decoration.

We can mix all the various definitions in a soup or (as I prefer) a cosmic goop. We have colored light bulbs, gold manuscripts, science, the stars, sun, and the moon, all swirling at light speed in our heads, leading us to intellectual or spiritual enlightenment. 

Just imagine that. Now, take it one step further, and add the next item on our list:

10. 2018 is the Year of Illumination

Isn’t Number 10 redundant, as it was used in the first sentence? You ask.

No, it’s repetition. There’s joy in repetition.

This year we will all gain new insights and see things that we haven’t seen before. As our awareness expands, we will also open up to new ideas that we never entertained before.

Illumination is about bringing something into the light that was previously in the darkness.

Which brings us to the next number, which is about each of us:

11. It’s time to shine your light!

Illuminate the world with your light! Share who you are from your heart!

Alice Always

2018: The Year of Illumination

As I said in a previous post, Numbers are a shorthand code. As we live in a universe of vibrational energy, numbers are significant.

The year 2018 is broken down as:
2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11


Here is what Joanne Walmsley wrote about it on her Angel Numbers blog:

Number 2018 is a combination of the energies and influences of number 2 and number 0, and the attributes and vibrations of number 1 and number 8.  Number 2 relates to service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, consideration and receptivity, fulfilment and happiness, and your Divine life purpose and soul missionNumber 0 resonates with developing one’s spiritual aspects and represents the beginning of a spiritual journey and suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self. Number 0 also amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with, and relates to eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, potential and/or choice, and the beginning point.  Number 1 resonates with initiative, instinct and intuition, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and a fresh approach, motivation, tenacity, striving forward and progress, and also reminds us that we create our own realities by our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  Number 8 brings personal power and authority, inner-wisdom, truth and integrity, dependability and self-reliance, good judgement,manifesting abundance and prosperity, the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma.

Since Eleven is a repetition of the number one, it doubles the energy, making it a pattern. Repeated numbers like 11, 22, 33 and 44 are master numbers. When the numbers within a year are reduced to a master number, it is a powerful year.

Here is information from Angel Numbers blog about the Number 11:

The karmic Master Number 11 symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, illumination, visionary, enthusiasm, creative/creativity, self-expression and sensitivity, and mysticism. Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose. Master Number 11 is usually called ‘the Illuminator’, ‘the Messenger’ or ‘the Teacher’ and relates to those who are here to be inspirational guiding lights, and their mission is to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness.

Angel Number 11 brings a message from your angels to pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Your positive affirmations and optimistic attitude will manifest your desires and help you to achieve your goals and aspirations. They will also assist you upon your spiritual life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 11 encourages you to contribute your unique perspective and philosophy to instigate a new consciousness. Seek out some form of outlet where there can be active participation, whether it be through one’s own profession or some charitable organization. Working with others gives the opportunity to be the inspirational leader, setting an example for others to learn from.

Angel Number 11 encourages you to assist and inspire the human race via your natural abilities, relying upon your inner-wisdom and intuition to guide you.

Angel Number 11 encourages you to be an inspirational guiding light to bring illumination to others and help raise spiritual awareness.

There’s that magical word for this year:
i l l u m i n a t i o n


We are here to shine our Light this year in whatever way best expresses our soul, using our own unique talents and abilities., otherwise known as our gifts.

One of my traditional New Years rituals is listening to New Year’s Day by U2.

Here are the lyrics that have a special meaning for us now:

Under a blood-red sky
A crowd has gathered in black and white
Arms entwined, the chosen few
The newspapers says, says
Say it’s true, it’s true…
And we can break through
Though torn in two
We can be one

It’s so relevant that lyrics were written by an Irish band in the early 80s about the Polish Solidarity movement for an album entitled “War” could hold so much meaning in 2018. Especially here in the USA where “fake news” and politics have divided a nation.

I believe that there are enough of us who can stand together and break through this separation that we have been in way too long.

I feel it is time to light up the world with our joy. Time for new insights. Time to listen to our intuition if we haven’t been before. Time to be inspired and follow our inspiration to create new ways of interacting with each other. Time to imagine the endless possibilities…

It’s time for Illumination. Time to shine brightly this year!

Alice Always

The 1111 Gateway of 2017 and What It Means for Us

Today is 11/11/17 and as it is the same number repeated twice, it is amplifying the vibration of the numbers 1 and 11.

Do you see 11:11 all the time? It is a sign that the Universe is telling you to be present with your thoughts.

Author Doreen Virtue says of multiples of the number one:
“If you continually see the numbers 11, 111, or 1111, there’s a reason. The most common way that angels communicate with humans is through the universal languages of numbers and music.

The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras was the first to establish that numbers hold vibrational properties. He taught that the entire universe is mathematically precise.

When you see repetitive number sequences, this is a message from your angels, or if you prefer, spirit guides, the Universe, God, your Higher Self, the Big Kahuna, Bob, or whatever. It doesn’t matter how you define where a message comes from because when you truly understand, you will see that everything is One.

For the sake of this post, I am calling the messengers angels, as I originally found the information from Doreen Virtue who called them angel numbers because of her personal interactions with the illuminated beings.

The word Angel comes from the Greek word Angelos meaning messenger. Calling them angel numbers makes sense as they are messages.

You can ask your angels what they are trying to tell you, and if you listen in stillness, you will hear their answers clearly. Sometimes, though, if you are stressed or in a hurry, it is not as easy to hear your angels and you may miss a message that was sent to you.

You may even disregard the idea that numbers hold meaning and vibration because it sounds ridiculous to you and doesn’t go along with the belief system that you were raised in. When you close yourself off to things that you never thought of before, you close yourself off to insights that might have otherwise been gleaned.

Numbers are a shorthand code. In the case of multiple number ones, they represent an energy gateway. The more number ones you see, the stronger the energy is contained.

In practical terms, this means that your thoughts are going through a cycle where they are manifesting instantly into form. You think it, and boom! It happens. When these cycles occur, it’s extra important to keep your thoughts focused on your desires, and to stay positive. Otherwise, your fears may manifest instantly. You can ask Heaven to uplift you so that your thoughts are focused on the highest possibilities.

1, 11, 111, and 1111 in Angel Numbers all mean: “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts are manifesting instantly into form. Focus only upon your desires and not upon your fears.”

Double digit days are gateway days when we are able to receive energy of increased magnitude.

At 11:11 am today, I was visiting the cemetery where my parents are buried. I had not planned this, but that is how it worked out. At 1:11 pm, I was meditating and had a vision. Two rows of columns like the number one spread out and I walked between them, remembering a poem that I wrote in 1991. I’ll write more about my poetry another time.

The vision I had was of the cosmic gateway of 1111, which was at its strongest at 11:11 on 11/11/11. At 11:11 am that morning, I wrote a poem as the energies were inspiring me to do so. Over the years I kept telling myself that I would publish it as a book because it is rather lengthy. I never got around to it but I am feeling that it is something I need to do now as we are in a very unusual time.

This particular year is a one year because the numbers add up to one. 2017 breaks down to 2+0+1+7=10. Then break the number ten down 1+0=1. One is about new beginnings. In the breakdown of the year numbers, the energy of one is amplified yet again.

You can go deeper into each number for each has its unique vibration. Every moment has a particular energy because of the influences of the planets, moon and stars and their positions to each other and us.

Planetarily, we have been going through a time of chaos and this is all part a shift in consciousness as old systems are beginning to fall away.

Divisions have been sown to keep us divided and stuck in fear-based mindsets. This is being played out in the USA in the political spectrum. There is so much talk of “fake news” right now that it can be difficult to see what is real and what is not.

We are all conditioned based on our beliefs and we will side with whatever side supports our personal belief system.

Read the comments below any political news article on Facebook and you will see people attacking each other. That is what needs to stop. We all need to look beyond our differences and stand together united or we will lose what we worked so hard to attain.

The best you can do is to live from your heart. Keep focused on love and only love.

Alice Always